Eric Carle Land: A Storyline
written by Colleen Vallerga
The Storyline is based on the works of Eric Carle.

Student art by Deanna Chamber’s class.
Grades: K-1
Total Number of Pages: 38
PDF Storyline Outline – $40.00
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Storyline Overview
The teacher and students explore Eric Carle’s pictures and study the ways he uses the elements of art in his compositions. They find that Carle is both an artist and a writer as they learn more about his life and his works.
The teacher reads Draw Me a Star by Eric Carle. Students follow the author’s promptings and use his art techniques to create Eric Carle Land.
Animals appear on the frieze alongside Eric Carle saying, “We want to be in an Eric Carle story!” Carle explains how he writes stories to help the animals with their problems, but there are too many stories, for him to write. He invites the students into his land to write animal stories and help solve their problems.
Before entering the land, the students pick one of Eric Carle’s animals for their story. Students conduct simple research and list basic information about their animal. As they prepare for their visit to Eric Carle Land, the teacher and students explore Social Emotional Learning (SEL) skills to assist with problem solving.
Students enter the magic world of Eric Carle, meeting animals, hearing their stories, learning about feelings, and exploring ways to help solve problems using SEL skills.
Students anticipate new problems in Eric Carle Land, and explore ways SEL skills can
help when dealing with problematic feelings and emotions.
Eric Carle asks the students to use what they have learned to write their animal story. Students work though the writing process to create a written story about their animal. Students use Carle’s collage techniques to illustrate their stories.
An Author Event is planned to highlight the work of the new picture writers. Picture writers share what they learned in Eric Carle Land and present their stories.
Standards and Instruction Covered
Common Core Language Arts Standards
- Reading Literature
- Speaking and Listening
- Writing
- Language
Oregon Department of Education Health Standards
- Promotion of Mental, Social, and Emotional Health
Oregon Department of Education Art Standards
- Visual Arts
- Theater