The Museum of Wonders: A Storyline
written by Colleen Vallerga

Grades: K-5
Total Number of Pages: 22
PDF Storyline Outline – $40.00
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Storyline Overview
The Museum of Wonders Storyline takes the students on an exploration of wonder. They use their imaginations and curiosity to explore the world around them, carefully observing and thoughtfully questioning what they find. The Storyline is student-driven. It allows for students to choose their own lines of inquiry as they explore their favorite wonders.
The Storyline begins with a reading of The Museum of Everything by Lynne Rae Perkins. Students are inspired by a museum of wonder. Teacher and students explore the joy of wondering through drama, books, and wonder walking. Students are given time to consider things they wonder about.
Students take on the role of museum makers and design the framework for a museum of wonder.
A renowned museum offers to loan the museum-in-the-works a number of traveling exhibits. Each exhibit contains an object of wonder accompanied by a story. Museum makers explore the traveling exhibits, examining the objects of wonder and reading their stories. They use the exhibits as models for creating their own permanent exhibits.
Museum makers select a favorite object of wonder to showcase in a permanent exhibit. They work to highlight their wonders, record research, and tell the object’s story. Each museum maker shares his or her findings, allowing the class to examine a wide range of topics. The teacher reads fiction/non-fiction books to take students deeper into topics inspired by the museum makers’ objects of wonder.
The traveling exhibit and permanent exhibit sections of the museum are completed and the museum makers choose a name for their museum.
Museum makers explore a typical day in the museum, bringing to light necessary museum jobs and responsibilities.
Problems occur in the newly created museum, and museum makers work together to solve them. Students use their story-making skills to generate additional incidents and further develop the story.
Museum makers advertise and prepare for the opening of their museum. At the Grand Opening, they present their wonders, research and findings, and tell their objects’ stories. Guests are encouraged to take a closer look at the world around them and explore their own wonders.
Standards and Instruction Covered
Common Core Language Arts Standards
- Reading Literature
- Reading Informational Text
- Speaking and Listening
- Writing
- Language
Art Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Visual Arts
- Theater
- Music
Student topic studies will determine standards covered in science and social science.
Next Generation Science Standards
- Engineering Design
- Social Science (Oregon Department of Education)