Weslandia: A Storyline
written by Colleen Vallerga
The Storyline is based on the book Weslandia by Paul Fleischman.

Grades: 2-5
Total Number of Pages: 19
PDF Storyline Outline – $40.00
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Storyline Overview
The story begins with Wesley, a boy who does not fit in and feels like an outcast. He is bullied by his classmates and decides to escape the torment by creating his own civilization.
As the teacher and students begin to explore the story, they observe Wesley’s magic garden come to life and create it in their classroom. While the garden grows and Wesley prepares to harvest his staple crop, the students step into the story as Wesley’s curious classmates. They marvel at what Wesley is doing and decide to help him establish his civilization.
The classmates work with Wesley to create an economy, design a way to keep track of time, devise a numbering system, create games and musical instruments, and rename the constellations. When challenges arise, the classmates help Wesley problem solve and find solutions.
Finally, the classmates officially become fellow citizens of Weslandia. Working together, the citizens create a written history of their new civilization and present it to the world.
Wesley’s classmates recall what makes a civilization as they are challenged to create their own civilizations, reflecting who they are. Students share their own, unique civilizations.
Standards and Instruction Covered
Common Core Language Arts Standards
- Reading Literature
- Reading Informational Text
- Speaking and Listening
- Writing
- Language
Social Sciences Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Civics and Government
- Multicultural Studies
- Geography
- Economics
- Historical Knowledge
- Historical Thinking
- Social Science Analysis
Mathematics Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Number Operations in Base Ten
NGSS Science Standards
- From Molecules to Organisms
- Engineering Design
- Earth’s Place in the Universe
Health Education Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Promotion of Mental, Social and Emotional Health
Art Standards (Oregon Department of Education)
- Visual Arts
- Theater
- Music